Benefits of Ginger to Make Body Healty

Ginger is included in the appointment-findings
(Zingiberaceae), se-family with other findings
such as appointment appointment buffoonery
(Cucuma xanthorrizha), appointment black (Curcuma aeruginosa), turmeric (Curcuma
domestica), kaempferia galanga (Kaempferia
galanga), galangal (Languas galanga) and

Ginger is distinguished into three types based on size, shape and color rimpangnya. 3 ginger
variety is commonly known, namely:
1. white/yellow Ginger or ginger, also called
an elephant or rhino ginger
Rimpangnya larger and fatter, more
rimpangnya sections of other varieties of
bulging. This type of bias is consumed either
ginger at young and old age, either as fresh or
processed ginger ginger.
2. Ginger white/yellow small or also known as
ginger or ginger sunti emprit
Ruasnya small, somewhat flattened to slightly
bulging. Ginger is always harvested after old
age. Essential oil content greater than ginger
elephants, so it feels more spicy, in addition to
the fibers. Ginger herb is suitable for drugs, or
for essential oil and oleoresin is extracted.
3. Ginger Red
Rimpangnya red-colored and smaller than the
small white ginger. just like the little ginger, ginger red always harvested after the old, and
also contain the same essential oil with a little
ginger, making it perfect for Herb medicine.

Efficacy Of Ginger Plant
1. Lower blood pressure (hypertension)
This is because the ginger stimulates the release of the hormones adrenaline and widen the blood vessels, as a result the blood is flowing faster and smoother and ease the
work of the heart in pumping blood.
2. helps digestion
Because ginger contains digestive enzymes
namely lipase and proteases, which digest
each of protein and fat.
3. Launch the blood circulation
Gingerol in ginger are anticoagulants, that
prevent blood clotting. So to prevent the blockage of blood vessels, a major cause of stroke, and heart attack.
4. Cure Nausea & Enters the wind
Because ginger was able to block the
serotonin, namely chemical compounds that can cause the stomach to contract, thus
arising the nausea. Including nausea due to
travel sickness. Make the stomach become comfortable, relieve stomach cramps and helps pull out the wind.
5. Ward off free radicals
Ginger also contains antioxidants that help
neutralize damaging effects caused by free radicals in the body.
6. Relieve Pain
Natural pain relief and can relieve arthritic pain, headaches, and migraine. The trick, drink
ginger wedang 3 times a day. It could also
drink wedang ronde, chewing on ginger
candies, ginger or add time on soto, stews, or
beef rendang.
7. Medicine Compress
Ginger is also nutritious, leaves as a cure
compresses on headaches and can dipercikan
to the face of the person being shivered. The trick with pounded and given a little bit of water can be used as medicinal compresses
on headaches and can dipercikan to the face of the person being shivered.
8. Launch penceraan
Strengthen the digestion of food and expel
gas in it. How by mashing the rhizome and then simmered in boiling water for
approximately ½ hour, then drink the water.
9. Treating rheumatism
Prepare 1 or 2 ginger Rhizome. Preheat the
rhizome on the fire or coals and then
pounded. Paste collision of ginger on the part
of the body that is sick of rheumatism. The other way is with his great pounding along with cloves, and tacked on a body part that
10. Drug Cuts
Treating wounds because of blisters, stabbed
sharps, hit by a thorn, fell, as well as snake bites. How Red ginger Rhizome pounded and
added a bit of salt. Put on the injured parts of the body.
11. The drug was bitten by Insects
Treat itching due to insect stings. How by
mashing the rhizome and then used as a
12. Treat wounds former toxic snake bites
How by mashing the rhizome and given a little bit of salt, then tacked on a poisonous snake
bite marks cuts (just as the first aid before
sufferers taken to doctor)
13. Treat colic
Ginger is a panacea for patients with
abdominal pain, such as diarrhea. Because
Ginger is both an analgesic and sedative.
14. To prevent some types of cancer
Efficacy of ginger daily, who extracted the potent also inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells.
15. Cure migraine
Studies show that ginger can stop
prostaglandins, factors cause head pain. Thus, ginger reduces migraines or headaches.
16. Preventing irregular menstrual cycle
The ginger gives the benefits of the regularity of the menstrual cycle for women. In China for example, ginger and brown sugar together in a tea consumed to reduce cramps coming
17. Treat morning sickness
Nausea, flatulence and want to throw up in the morning, including in pregnant women, it can be cured by a concoction of ginger.
18. Treating toothache
Painful gums and toothache turns can also be
prevented by the habit of drinking ginger juice.
This is because the ginger has antifungal and
antibacterial properties.
19. Lowers cholesterol levels
Other benefits, namely ginger proved
efficacious lowers cholesterol levels, in addition to nature cleanses the blood. Thus the heart attacks and blood clots can be prevented.
20. as acne medicine
One of the research done at the University of
Maryland Midical Center, ginger also helps to help prevent the onset of acne it is recommended to consume a maximum of 4
grams of ginger per day.
21. Lose weight
It dilates the blood vessels function ginger
burn calories into body heat. In addition to that ginger only contain little calorie so it doesn't contribute to raise your body weight.
Steeping wedang Ginger is very good for your health and metabolism of the body.
22. Clean the Dirt in the body
If we often consume ginger by means of
brewed, normally we will sweat. Through the
sweat that's issued various dirt demon inside the body.
The ginger plant has long been known and grow well in our country. Ginger is one of the
essential spices. Rimpangnya very widely
used, among other things as a condiment
Cook, giver of aroma and flavor to foods such as bread, cake, biscuit, confectionary and drinks. Ginger is also used in industry,
medicine and traditional herbal fragrance oil.
Young Ginger is eaten as lalaban, processed into hot and pickles. In addition, because it can give the effect of a sense of heat in the
stomach, then Ginger is also used as an ingredient of beverages like bandrek, long and syrup.

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