Benefits of Mulberry Leaf for the health

    The following are some of the scientific facts that reveal the various benefits of Mulberry leaf for the health of our body. Let's see together what benefits contained in the mulberry leaves.

    Mulberry originated from China and can grow well in the area of height of more than 100 m above sea level, seta require lots of sunlight. Mulberry is a plant that's been cultivated and loved the area bases
such as on the slopes of the mountain, but on the ground the berdrainase aik, sometimes wild plants found. The mulberry tree is around 9 meters.

Chemical properties and pharmacological effects:
The leaves are bitter, sweet, cold and lung meridians entered today. While the fruits are sweet, cold, enters the meridian heart, liver and kidneys. Root bark are sweet, cool entry meridien. Bitter twig, neutral, signed in meridien.

Chemical content:
Mulberry leaf contains ecdysterone, lupeol, betasitosterol, routine, moracetin, isoquersetin, betahexenal, Alpha, scopolin, cis b cis hexenol, eta lamdahexenol, benzaidehide, eugenol, lanaloobenzyl
alcohol, acetone, butylamine, trigonelline, cholin, adenine, amino acids, folic acid, copper, zinc, vitamins (A, B1, C and Beta-carotene), klorogenik acid, fumaric acid, formyltetrahydrofolik acid, and mioinositol and also contains phytoestrogens.

Mulberry tea
If the mulberry leaf tea was made, then it is very good for kidney health, insomnia, overcoming the dirty blood, diabetes, whitish, drug toxicity, drug nuisance, uric acid, cholesterol, pengeroposan bone. In addition it is also useful for preventing the incidence of diseases in the elderly, keep your stamina, prevent stroke, normalize blood pressure, balance the weight, helps eliminate heat in and constipation/constipation. Even the leaves of the mulberry pun was able to lower the level of the collection of fat in the liver, containing chlorophyll and vitamin C, as well as neutralize poison because are detoxing.

Mulberry Leaf for health benefits
The following are some facts about the scientific usefulness of the mulberry leaves and benefits for the health of the body that has been clinically proven potency as healers of various diseases

Mulberry leaves were kahasiat that may not
have all the people we know. As for how to make a herbal potion from leaves of fever to overcome the mulberry is very easy, simply take fresh leaves 50 grams of boiled with 3.5 glasses of water for 15 minutes until bubbling, let cool and then squeeze
and strain and drink the water 3 times a day.

Fresh leaves 50 grams of boiled with 3
cups of water for 15 minutes until bubbling, chill and drink the water 3 x a day.

Set of urine
Fresh leaves 50 grams of boiled with 2
glasses of water for 15 minutes until bubbling, chill and drink water 2 times a day. 
Multiply the secretion of BREAST MILK
In addition to addressing the fever, as a set of urine, it turns out that Mulberry leaf has another remarkable efficacy, that can reproduce the secretion of BREAST MILK. How to use it very easily, the mulberry leaves can be cooked as a vegetable and then eaten with rice.

High blood pressure
Fresh Mulberry leaves as many as 15 gram
washing clean then boiled with 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. After the cold water filter and drink it twice a day, morning and afternoon.

Ulcers and inflammation of the skin
Take one fresh Mulberry leaves handheld, wash clean and boiled with 2 glasses of water allow it to remaining 1 cups. Chill and then filter the water and then drink all at once. The decoction of the leaves of the mulberry is also beneficial for cleansing the blood if taken regularly.

Clean wash then apply coconut oil.
Wither over a fire and then knead with your fingers. Use the leaves to close the wound.

The heart is weak

Source Of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are substances that is capable of
to prevent damage to the cells of the body because of free radicals. Mulberry is rich in antioxidant kana. In addition, Mulberry also contain resveratol which keep you youthful.

Help the immune system
In the white blood cell macrophages there used to mestimulasi of our immune system. This Mulberry fruits contain alkaloids that are rich in macrophages, so it is good to improve the immune system or the immune system.

Balancing blood sugar
Traditional medicine of china, Trinidad and Tobago use this fruit to balance blood sugar. For those of you who have concerns blood sugar disease, you could try to make a medicine healer blood sugar disease of Mulberry leaves. In addition to the highly effective, it is also easy to obtained without having to pay an expensive.

Healthy snacks
Mulberry contains such as protein, vitamins C and K as well as fiber. Mulberry fruits have a distinctive flavor, and Mulberry leaves are very beneficial to the health of our body.

Prevent bleeding and swelling
Traditional Chinese medicine using Mulberry for wound healing or swelling, a recent study also suggested that a blend of Mulberry leaves and Curcumin can be used to overcome the irritation.

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