Benefits of Kelor Leaves

The benefits to the health of the kelor seed pods known to contain about 40 percent oil known as oil of Ben.
Kelor oil is rich in antioxidants, and his nutritional profile similar to olive oil.

Kelor leaves young is the most utilized of these plants. It is usually eaten as a vegetable, which provides a number of iron three times more than the vegetable spinach leaves.
Kelor provides all kinds of essential amino acids required by the body. Amino acids are the proteins your body needs to grow, as well as repairing and maintaining cells. the human body produces amino acids between 10 to 12 types, while the rest are 8 known as the essential amino acids must be obtained from food every day.
Kelor leaves can help increase the amount of energy in a natural and long-lasting. Also been found can cure boils, inhibit tumors, reduce joint pain or arthritis, and controlling blood pressure.
Consuming leaves kelor regularly as-as part of a diet will increase your body's natural defense mechanism against infection. This is a stimulant for the immune, even often prescribed to AIDS patients. Kelor is rich in vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, nutrients that are critical to maintaining the health of the lens of the eye, as well as preventing degenerative eye disease such as nyctalopia. Beta-carotene is also important to strengthen the resilience of the body so as to heal faster when exposed to diseases like flu and colds. It is important for women who are breastfeeding.
It has been reported that it can increase the amount of BREAST MILK kelor dramatically. If you are a new mother who feels to have a less amount of BREAST MILK, can try eating a fresh vegetable leaf kelor and sweet.
The consumption of junk food and high fatty foods can cause high cholesterol levels, which increase the risk factors for heart disease and blood vessels. Kelor is able to help balance the cholesterol levels in the body, so you will be getting away with this deadly disease.
So that the body always healthy and fit, the main requirement is to have the body's metabolic system works well.
Consuming routine kelor leaves will stimulate the metabolism and cell structure in the body. Kelor has antibacterial properties and antitoxins, so it can be used as a cleanser of natural toxins. Kelor seeds mixed with water can help absorb all dirt, as well as help remove toxins that accumulate in the blood.
Kelor leaves have no side effects, and thus safe for consumption by children as well as adults. Currently, kelor leaves have been used for porridge, pasta, and bread to improve the nutrition of food. Natural supplements of the kelor made from the leaves and pods kelor, is a source of natural calcium and multivitamins.
It is certainly good to support the vitality of the body, and with no side effects because it is made from natural ingredients.
Flowers plants kelor is already used in making herbal tea containing flavonoids and some antioxidants. The roots of the plant have been used in kelor traditional medicine to control the circulatory system disorders, preventing inflammation, to stimulate the appetite, and to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, the root of the kelor can also treat the problem Gen. * not * nan men, as well as the issue of reproductive tract problems in women. According to the study, certain content contained in plant roots can cure diseases kelor ovarian cancer, inflammation and kidney stones. It will also improve overall kidney function because it helps pull out the calcium and phosphate in the kidneys of more efficiently.

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