Benefits of Papaya Leaves Bitter

Bitter taste on various types of foods makes most people avoid it. But the bitter taste contained in these foods sometimes contain substances that are good for the body. As the bitter taste of papaya leaves. Despite the bitter taste of this material can be overcome when the process becomes a vegetable, so many who love it. A bitter taste behind this papaya leaves and storing a myriad of benefits that are very useful for body health.

Based on a research, conatins Tocophenol 35 mg in each 100 mg. Whereas in leaves of young Papaya Enzyme papain is contained. This enzyme is usually synonymous with a thick white SAP that serves to break down protein, as are proteolithik. While in papaya leaves old contains phenolic compounds. But in general the papaya leaves contain papain 10%, 45%, and khimoprotein lysozyme 20%. Enzyme khimoprotein will function as a catalyst in the reaction between protein hydrolysis and poplipetida. While the enzyme lisizim is the antibacterial substance that works by breaking down the cell walls of bacteria. Meanwhile, the bitter taste of papaya leaves caused by alkaloids content of highly effective karpain used to lower fevers, reduce blood pressure, and kill microbes such as Amoeba.

With so many nutritional contents, certainly merits much anyway.

As an appetite enhancer. For children that are difficult to eat can be overcome with a concoction of papaya leaves. Mashed papaya leaves are then filtered, take water. This water can be used as a drug appetite enhancer.

Launch Of Breast Milk. For mothers who are breastfeeding, papaya leaves can launch an ASI. The trick is to use the five pieces of papaya leaves placed on the fire until wilted, then paste on the part of the breast, except on a nipple while still warm.

Strengthen bones and teeth. With natural deposits owned by papaya leaves, can strengthen bones and teeth. Konsumsilah vegetable papaya leaves which can be served with a variety of dishes.

When treating painful menstruation. Some women experience abdominal pain at the moment and by menstruation. The content of the leaves can take some papaya. Use a single sheet of raw papaya leaves, water, tamarind, salt, and simmer until cooked. Drink boiled water.

Get rid of acne. Two pieces of mashed papaya leave already in bathing earlier. Campurakan warm water in the collision, then applies on face breakouts for approximately 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

Mengempukkan meat. Before it is cooked, the meat cover using papaya leaves for two to three hours. These tips will make quick meat is tender and not tough when cooked.

Tackling high blood pressure. As lowering high blood can be used five pieces of papaya leaves stew with a half liter of water. Drink water boiled with added honey as a sweetener tau sugar.

Treating dengue fever. To cope with dengue fever, boil mix five pieces of papaya leaves, temulawak, brown sugar, and meniran. Drinking water stew.

Prevent cancer. On the stem conatins the SAP as white as milk (white milky latex). Who could this liquid develop as anticancer substances? The results of this research cited by the Journal of the Society of Biology. SAP also automatically will join consumed when eating papaya leaves in whatever form.

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