Benefits Of Red Guava

Now, you don't need to confuse to preserve the health of the body. Therefore, the benefits of guava red are able to keep your body from various attacks of the disease. Red guava has the Latin name Guava guajava. This very easy fruit plants found in the continent of Asia including Indonesia. Red guavas have a mix of sweet and sour taste.

But, you don't get me wrong, the benefits of guava red turned out to contain substances that are beneficial to the body. Among them are essential oils, ursolic acid, psidiolat acid, kratogolat acid, guajaverin acid, oleanolat acid, and a variety of vitamins.

Red Guava For Health Benefits

For more details, we refer to the benefits again, guava red for health

Prevent cancer
Red guava known as fruit are low in calories and fat. However, guava red rich in various vitamins essential minerals in it. In addition, this fruit also contains antioxidant compounds, poly-phenolic, and flavonoid which is able to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Launch the digestive system
Red guava knew rich in fiber. It contained a source of soluble fiber which is around 14% of the DRA or 5.4 g per 100 g of fruit. This can help in waging the digestive system. In addition, fiber is also useful in protecting the intestinal mucous membranes. Namely, reduce the adverse effect of toxins and binds the various chemicals in the colon which is believed to be the cause of cancer.

Maintaining brain function and nerve
Red guava other benefits are to maintain brain function and nerve. Because guava red contains vitamin B3 and B6, then it's no wonder this fruit serves to stimulate the brain. Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine is also able to improve blood flow as well as giving essential nutrient for brain and nerve function.

Free radical capture
This fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, So no wonder if Red guava has a function as an antidote to free radicals. In addition, vitamin C is also very beneficial to keep immunity or resistance of the body.

Benefits of Guava Leaf Red for the treatment
As we know it's been an awful lot of traditional medicines made from natural ingredients and sold in order to reduce the use of drugs made from chemicals.

Traditional medicine is not so rapid healing or takes a long time to heal,

but the superiority of the traditional medicines do not cause side effects because it is made from ingredients that take from nature unlike drugs made from chemicals can definitely cause side effects to the body.
It's been an awful lot of traditional medicines that can cure various kinds of diseases that are deadly. One of the ingredients that can be used as traditional medicines is guava leaves.

In addition to guava which often using by society leaves also can be used as traditional medicines.

The content in the leaves of guava for example acid guajaverin, oleanolat acid, psidoklat acid, tannins, oils, fats and vitamins.

1. Lower your cholesterol levels
The leaves of guava are very powerful to lower cholesterol levels in the body and can also lower triglycerides.

A study says that consume the leaves of guava regularly then it can lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides in the blood within 4 to 12 weeks.

It's easy enough to boil the leaves of guava by as much as 7 sheets, 2 sheets leaf cereme, 10 pieces of betel leaf and boiled with 3 cups water until leaves petengahnya. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

2. Treat Dengue fever
Guava leaves are also very potent cure for dengue fever in guava leaves there is content of enzymes useful for Quercetin inhibit the process of the formation of the enzyme mRNA so that can kill the virus dengue fever.

The trick with boiled guava leaves as many as 5 pieces and boilwith 2 cups of water to boil and drink once every 4 hours until fully recovered.

3. Curing Diarrhea
The leaves of the guava have indeed known well is used to overcome diarrhoea because this guava leaf extract can kill the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus that is bacteria main cause of diarrhea and can make the stomach relief after consumption.

Do I simply by boiling the leaves much and 30 grams of a hand and boiled rice with 2 cups of water after it's taken 2 times a day.

4. Cure Cancer sores
In addition to the many fruits contain vitamin C turns the leaves too have this, which causes the guava leaves are used to treat canker sores.

By boiling 1 handheld guava leaves and 1 finger guava tree bark and then boiled with 1 liter of filtered water and then drink 2 times a day.

5. Heal wounds
The content contained within this guava is an astringent that can stop bleeding when injured. Simply by chewing the leaves and 3 pieces of paste into only to wound.

6. Resolve Ambeien
Guava leaves are also very powerful to overcome ambient by way of growing some guava leaves with banana rock to pull out water, then water the juice is filtered and drink every day.

7. Addressing the frequent urination
Stop sounds like overload can be stopped by way of eating guava leaves as many as 3 pieces plus a little salt and pepper. Do this twice a day.

8. Treating Sore Skin
Treating sore skin with guava leaves is enough to crush a handful of guava leaves with 7 petals plus the guava and affixed to the skin.

9. Address the Bloated
Simply boil 3 pieces leaf guavas coupled with half a finger tree bark pulosari and 5 grains of fennel and then boiled with 3 cups water until leaves 1 glass and drink.

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