Benefits of Pepper to Health and Side Effects

      Pepperor often called also with peppercorns (Piper nigrum L) is one of the types of herbs that may be almost everyone knew him because of thepepper orpepper is indeed almost become obligatory inevery presentation of a dish. But maybe not many people know if pepper orpepper has properties that are very good for health andcan also be used as some herb herbal treatment. This is because some of the content of nutrients on pepper orpepper is very good to keep keseahatan thebody.

      Pepperor pepper has some content of nutrients or nutrients that are good for thebody, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E andvitamin k. as well it also hassome content such as niacin, riboflavin, and folate as well as some pyridoksin also kolin.

Here are some of thebenefits of pepper:

1.Lose weight
Chemical compounds content of pepper or pepper known as capsain gives a spicy Chili-like effect. This content can help lose weightbecause it has theability toburn calories and fat as well.

2.Treating headaches
Inaddition to burning calories and fat content, also capsain is also useful as a neuropeptide Blocker is the major shippers nervouspain tothe brain. So the pepper orpepper can reduce symptoms of headaches.

3.Prevent stomachache
Though not able to treatabdominal pain, butpepper or pepper can prevent it because it is spicy or hot that will kill the bad bacteria in the intestinesthat causes abdominal pain.

4.Overcome nasal congestion 
The content of capsain pepper or pepper are also useful to clear the sinuses and helps fight infection and clean lines of the air cavity in the nose. So willloosen when therespiratory nasal congestion.

5.As an anti oxidant 
Inaddition to containing capsain, pepper orpepper also contains vitamin A and vitamin c. also where both of these vitamins are very good to keep the immune system from the attack of free radicals.

6.Treatinflammations in joints 
The content of capsain in addition tohave a nutty taste is also useful as an anti- inflammatory substance that is able to help relieve inflammation such as pain in sufferers of arthritis and also swelling.

7.Lowering high blood pressure 
The content of flavonoids, vitamin A and vitamin C are pretty much on pepper or pepper good for maintaining and lowering blood pressure.

8.Maintain heart health 
By consuming pepper or pepper it will trigger the secretion of sweat orliquid that is in the body. Wherewe know that too much fluid around thewalls of the heart are not too good for heart health because of the large number of fluids with too then it will trigger thestrain on the heart itself.

9.Able to prevent cancer 
Based on a study conducted by scientists at theUniversity of Nottingham and also theresearch done by the American Associationof Cancer Research reported that thecontent of capsain is found in Peppers is able to help kill cells Cancer especially prostatecancer cells.

      Inaddition to some good benefits above, maybe you should also notice that the pepper orpepper also has side effects.

Hereare some effect next to pepper:
    Consume excessive pepper is not good for those ulcer sufferers. This is due to the natureof spicy or hoton pepper or pepper may cause irritation andalso bleeding.
    Forthose who have just undergone surgery stomach better avoid pepper. Because thepepper may cause sneezing which can tighten your stomach muscles. It also consumes in excess can cause irritation to theintestine.

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